Just run me over

So after my trip to the gym last night the soreness (is that even a word?) eased in. I woke up at 5am and felt a little bit of it and as the day wore on it got worse. I figured…well…No big deal. Keep it up. You won’t regret it and what’s a little bit of soreness (whatever, if it isn’t I’ll MAKE it a word) anyway?

I took a nap because that’s just what you have to do after getting up that early. When I woke up it was a little worse again. I sat down and had a silent argument with myself about working out again.

Logical Danie says:

It will help because you’re sore and doing cardio will help. Plus you don’t want to fall behind do you?

Whiny Danie says:

I don’t wanna!

Eventually I got myself to go to work early and lap swim. I ended up with half a mile of kicking and swimming.

I’m telling you right now. It made a worse. It feels a little bit like a baby rhino came and trampled me and came back with some friends for more. Ouch.

Anyway-All the whining aside, i’m determined to keep it up. I don’t need to lose weight, just tone and maintain.

January 8th-I know...My pictures are super boring right now. But if you read what this says it should give you a good laugh. It's from my lifeguard manual/book I had to study for my re-certification class. Classic!

January 8th-I know…My pictures are super boring right now. But if you read what this says it should give you a good laugh. It’s from my lifeguard manual/book I had to study for my re-certification class. Classic!

If you want another laugh for the day read the reviews for these gummy bears:


I honestly don’t know how they can justify selling them after the reviews they got. Haha!

With all that being said I bid you adieu.

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